families :: teams :: communities
Ceremony & Celebration
Groups are crucibles for conflict and transformation....
They contain vast potential for synergy: the power of collaboration.
Unacknowledged, group dynamics can undermine purpose. Harnessed and directed, this dynamism fuels action
toward a better common future.
I provide general facilitation services as well as content specific trainings to help organizations, businesses, and private groups become clear, fun, and effective.
"You are awesome. I believe the Center is on a great course, and I know you have been an integral part of our progress." - Lynda Howells, Randolph, Vermont
Training and Facilitation
Beyong Stress: building resilience in fluid times
Leadership: Intuition and Social Intelligence
Communication and Conflict Resolution
Designing out of Concerns
Pain Relief and Self care, inlcuding Neck, Shoulder, Arm and Hand Care; Healing Back Pain; Reproductive Health
Movement for special populations including mid-wives, equestrians, elders, athletes, teens, nurses, meditators, couples, and pregnant women
I design and convene events ranging from conferences to residential retreats and urban celebrations. These range in size from small gatherings to events for 500 people.
Annual Conference of Vermont Women in Higher Education, 2009
Changing Perspectives, Annual Conference of the National Association of College and University Business Officers, 2008
Integrative Medicine Conference, Boston, MA, 2001
Community, Nature, and Spirit Conference, Antioch NE Graduate School, Keene NH, 1998
Economics As If the Earth Mattered, Montpelier, VT, 1990
The Wise Ones Conferences for Women, Southern VT and NH, Western MA, 1990-92
1st annual East Coast Cohousing Conference, western MA, 1989
Rites of Passage: birth, initiation, commitment, loss and renewal
Grandmother Council is a simple ceremony and open to all women. This practice invites women to reconnect with feminine wisdom to reflect and resource for our work in the world. Once familiar with the ceremony, any woman may offer this wisdom practice in her community. I am part of a growing number of women available to help seed Grandmother Council in your community. See calendar for dates of various Councils around NE.
Initiatives (see bio)
Co-founded green financial services firm
Co-founded community-based, integrative health care center
Designed and directed summer camps
Initiated and coordinated the Brattleboro Area Cohousing Group
Groups hire me for trainings, residential retreats, one-time events, and ongoing facilitation.
I work on-site with businesses and organizations, private groups and families. I also work via phone with clients all over the country.
At home, I work out of my studio office. Individual clients can use my guest cottage for a relaxed stay or extended retreat.